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Campaign for a park and Pedestal for a park
found glass terrazzo, brass, Bridgefoot Street Community Garden bunting, Dublin City Council Weaver Park grass, ink, gold leaf, coloured pencil
installed at Galway Arts Centre, 2019. image © Tom Flanagan

Pedestal for a park (detail)
found glass terrazzo, brass, Bridgefoot Street Community Garden bunting (plant and vegetable dyes, cotton, mordants)
300mm x 300mm x 1100mm
installed at Galway Arts Centre, 2019. image © Tom Flanagan

Bunting for a garden and Sandbags for a garden
cotton, plant and vegetable dyes, mordants
dimensions variable
installed at Galway Arts Centre, 2019. image © Tom Flanagan

Bunting for a garden
cotton, plant and vegetable dyes, mordants
image © Marielle MacLeman

Two hundred years after the Earl of Meath was told a greater return could be made growing grass than collecting weavers’ rents in The Liberties, Dublin City Council was developing green spaces for the Buddleia-infested sites of razed apartment blocks following extensive public consultation as part of The Liberties Greening Strategy. Two parks were planned in response to significant community campaigns for Weaver Park and Bridgefoot Street Park. Working with staff of Dublin City Council’s Parks and Landscapes Services, a series of unique handmade paper works was made to commemorate this new era in the site’s history – printing, gilding and couching the first cut of grass from Weaver Park as campaign posters for a park. At Bridgefoot Street Community Garden, bunting was made with visitors during The Liberties Festival, dyed with natural dyes referencing plants growing at the site.

These works were made for the exhibition, In course of rearrangement, with thanks to Richard Taplin, Bridgefoot Street Community Garden, Pulp Paper Arts Workshop, Dublin City Council’s Parks and Landscapes Services, Sheena Barrett at The LAB Gallery, Dublin, and The Liberties Festival. It was funded by an Arts Council Project Award 2018 and developed during a Dublin City Council Residential Residency supported by Galway City Council.